during the course of synonym

(C14: from duren to last, ultimately from Latin durare to last) English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & Thesaurus. During the course of my ____ through the world of books, I have picked up all kinds of useful information. Browse the use examples 'during the course of sth' in the great English corpus. How to use during in a sentence. He worked in the field during most of the day. Throughout the course of the day, the . during the studies. The correct answer is: internal-operational communication. Synonyme für During the course of a robbery. When the twenty-four courses were completed, they started over to complete the year. curso 5. the progress or development of events. The revised course plan delivery contained weekly expectations of lessons, deadlines for submission of . "throughout this time" or "sometime within this time". during the lectures. See synonyms for in the course of on Thesaurus.com Also, during the course of. "Course of the year" is used to speak about progress made or a succession of stages that happen within a calendar year. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted teaching in a variety of institutions, especially in medical schools. The war was in many respects a continuation, after an uneasy 20-year hiatus, of . through the course. Synonyms and related words See also main entry: course Thesaurus » during questioning exp. Transcribed image text: During the course of infection, Giardia wil pass through many differant anatomical locations. 1 The route or direction followed by a ship, aircraft, road, or river. During the course of the morning I learned a lot about the project. 80 other terms for during the course - words and phrases with similar meaning. Synonymes pour During the course. peregrination ____ attendance on opening night caused a financial crisis. intervening. The advances and discoveries in science and technology during the Industrial Revolution saw a need for new words, phrases, and concepts to describe these ideas and inventions. Revised course plan and checklists . Yes, "during the duration" is pretty silly. During the interview, they asked about my previous jobs. Synonyme. 3. over the course of my cancer. antonymes. See also: course, during, of during the course of during the course of In or during the process of. I learned during the course of the meeting that our department was being downsized by over 50 percent. 3. the ground over which a race is run or a game ( especially golf) is played. You can complete the list of synonyms of during the course of given by the English Thesaurus dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster. In due course definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. This brings you back to your heart center, allowing you to move through your . Suggest first antonym The Industrial Revolution and the Rise of the British Empire during the 18th, 19th and early 20th-century saw the expansion of the English language. During our family's recent ____ to the New Orleans French Quarter, we attended several jazz concerts. To escape persecution and pursue religious freedom, they . Parties de discours. Originally, "coarse" and "course" were the same word, but in the 18th century, the differences in spelling and meaning emerged, and the words have long since gone their separate ways, explains Bryan Garner in "Garner's Modern American Usage." exact ( 8 ) I've been the same over the course of my career. Listes. Start your day with a grounding breathwork session. in the midst of something. Constant means occurring continuously over a period of time.. Progress means forward or onward movement towards a destination.. More example sentences. Explanation : Enroute means during the course of a journey; on the way.. Geneva means a Dutch gin.. Skills related to preparation include: Conducting research related to your presentation topic. While he was serving in his course, the . Creating digital slides. throughout the course of. I. 1999 Nov;5(7):692-703. doi: 10.1017/s1355617799577126. while something is happening or continuing. The Battle of Gettysburg is one of the best-known battles in American history. Life Course Theory. Each course worked in the temple for 1 week from noon Sabbath to noon Sabbath from the beginning of the year (Nisan 1). What Does "Course of the Year" Mean? in / during / over the course of something Definitions and Synonyms phrase DEFINITIONS 1 1 while something is happening or continuing The insurance covers you if you are injured in the course of your employment. : The earth's population increased 5% over/during the last decade. Learn more. iSYNONYM during prep. over the course of my stay. Although children in this stage only make one-word utterances, these words often carry larger meaning (Fernández & Cairns, 2011). (also in the course of time) As time goes by. Synonyms for 'in/during/over the course of something': during, within, throughout, through, by, at, in, over, in the midst of something More Courses ›› View Course During | Definition of During by Merriam-Webster Save www.merriam-webster.com During definition is - throughout the duration of. 85 autres termes pour during the course- des mots et des phrases avec une signification similaire. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Unformatted text preview: 1 Lockdown in Italy CPSY 105: Perspectives in Psychology Dr. Awong Word count: 1448 2 PART A During the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, Cellini et. Breaking up a presentation into parts of reasonable length. : "During the last decade, scientists discovered life on Mars." Both "during" and "over" can be used for something that may have spanned the entire period. 3.2.1. sentences. During the initial shift to online instruction, course syllabi were reviewed and modified accordingly to ensure that students will still be able to complete their course (refer to Section over the course of my tour. phrase. in/during/over the course of something. complication: [ kom″plĭ-ka´shun ] 1. one or more disease(s) concurrent with another disease. In the process or progress of, as in the famous phrase from the Declaration of Independence (1776), "When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands ." antonymes. over the course of my research. During the course of synonyms throughout through in all over during Suggest synonym for During the course of During the course of antonyms If you known antonyms for During the course of, then you can share it. Synonymes pour During The Course (autres mots et expressions pour During The Course). The way in which something progresses or develops. The Puritans were a group of religious separatists who emerged in England during the early 1600s. Beispiele. Parties de discours. Search during the course of and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. . having to cope with occupied in occupied with absorbed in employed in engrossed in immersed in in the middle of in the midst of in the process of involved in participating in preoccupied with taken up by taken up with taking part in carrying on conducting following practicing US practising UK pursuing Noun The middle part or point midst middle synonymes. the course of the Nile. Synonym of During the course of Babylon English-Turkish during the course of -nın zaman dilimi boyunca, -sı sürerken, -sı devam ediyorken, -sı zamanında Babylon English during the course of throughout the duration of Babylon English-Arabic during the course of خلال فترة, خلال عملية Babylon English-Hebrew during the course of במהלך ה-, במשך ה- In the course of definition: If something happens in the course of a particular period of time, it happens during that. preposition: Relates noun or pronoun to another element of sentence--for example, "a picture of John," "She walked from my house to yours." (throughout) pendant, durant prép. Another word for in the process of: during or in the course of | Collins English Thesaurus Life course theory, more commonly termed the life course perspective, refers to a multidisciplinary paradigm for the study of people's lives, structural contexts, and social change. Ex : "la voiture de ma mère", "une carte à jouer". during the classes. Course redesign and revision can be an opportunity to review the course as a whole, to rethink just one or two elements, or to try one new thing. préposition: met en relation un nom et un autre élément. During this time, children know a number of words, but they only produce one-word utterances. in the course time. He then uses clinical material to demonstrate three interwoven strands of meaning attached to the word nigger, a pejorative used frequently by a patient during the course of a psychoanalytic treatment. all day / week / year etc long. Connexion. 'Once respiratory or renal disease develops, the course is usually rapidly progressive.'. "Full . 9 more words. Synonymes pour During The Course (autres mots et expressions pour During The Course). intervening. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. Thesaurus. 85 autres termes pour during the course- des mots et des phrases avec une signification similaire. antonyms. After 8 weeks of only online learning, a survey was conducted to investigate perception of this type of learning among medical . Not a raucous, boozy party house (the sort I became familiar with during my university years), but a party house all the same. Lists. On this page you will find all the synonyms for the word to during the course. Course of Dealing: A clearly recognizable pattern of previous conduct between parties to a business transaction. The child's early vocabulary is limited to familiar objects or events, often nouns. peregrinations. Using the . Collaborative Dictionary English Definition. 3. an injury or disorder occurring in a patient with a pre-existing condition. phrase. Another word for in the process of: during or in the course of | Collins English Thesaurus Connexion. 2. noun. Also, during the course of. Listes. synonymes. définitions. for the duration. Correct Answer : a ) Enroute . during the programme. adjective. The author presents an overview of recent clinical/theoretical work on the construction of otherness in structured forms of hatred. Synonyme für During The Course Of A Robbery (andere Wörter und Sätze für During The Course Of A Robbery). Learn more. Hence, (A) is the correct answer. A clause with during focuses more on what happened—the activity, event or experience.. ACTIVITY THROUGHOUT THIS PERIOD: We sat on the beach during the morning hours.. We talked with friends during the evening. Learning about your audience to better tailor your presentation to their needs. campo, pista 4. the path or direction in which something moves. Synonymes pour During the course. Nevertheless, "during" is less formal. » at the inquest exp. b. définitions. You are right that "for the duration of the meeting" would be a better choice. Or maybe you need to adapt a course for a longer or shorter semester. Definitionen. 4 self-care tips to make the most of a void of course moon transit. Contexts Preposition For all of, or at any time within, a given time interval Adverb (of time or event, also as preposition) During an entire period Preposition For all of, or at any time within, a given time interval during through in across amidst throughout all along in the time of over for the duration. thésaurus. synonyms. along / down the line. Synonyms for COURSE: line, methodology, policy, procedure, program, class, operation, proceeding; Antonyms for COURSE: guide, lead, pilot, crawl, creep, poke in midstream. in the middle of doing something. during. World War II, also called Second World War, conflict that involved virtually every part of the world during the years 1939-45. Devising charts and graphs depicting your research findings. This approach encompasses ideas and observations from an array of disciplines, notably history, sociology, demography, developmental psychology . Look it up now! A good discussion of the usage of over, during and throughout is in S. Lindstromberg's English Prepositions Explained. as in during synonyms for in the course of Compare Synonyms all along all the while amid as at the same time as at the time for the time being in the interim in the meanwhile in the middle of in the time of meanwhile mid midst over pending the time between the whole time throughout until when while during the period. DURING; During indicates a period or range of time (having duration) and is used to say that something happened. The course of dealing between parties to an action is examined by a court in ascertaining what the parties intended when they entered into a contract. Zacharias worked in the eighth course of Abijah. E.g. over the course of my training. » during interrogation exp. phrases. Things will run their normal course despite the strike. Listen. (Talmud Sukkah) All courses worked during holy days. 2. We got along well during the trip. What is another word for during the course of? Each of thase locations is associated with specific events in Giardia intostinais pathogenesis. The Puritans sought to "purify" religious doctrine. during my university years. over the course of my time. Perhaps, when Shakespeare wrote, "The course of true love never did run smooth," he should have substituted the word "cost" for the word "course." After delaying the wedding of their dreams because of COVID-19 restrictions, many couples - and their families - are discovering that supply chain and labor issues, fueling inflation, are making those dreams more expensive. » in the further course of the investigation exp. 1 2 3 >. al (2020) conducted an experimental survey on the COVID-19 hotspot of Italy to observe the psycho and physiological changes that individuals experience in their sleep patterns, quality of sleep, sense of time and usage . phrases. thésaurus. Late Modern English. Synonyms for during the course - during the course, over the course, over a period and others. course definition: 1. a set of classes or a plan of study on a particular subject, usually leading to an exam or…. The One Word Substitution type of question of English Language section is being asked in . The words "coarse" and "course" are homophones: They sound alike but have different meanings. The principal belligerents were the Axis powers—Germany, Italy, and Japan—and the Allies—France, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and, to a lesser extent, China. During is used to say when something happens; for answers the question 'how long?' I stayed in London for a week. In the process or progress of, as in the famous phrase from the Declaration of Independence (1776), "When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands ." Differential decline in word generation from phonemic and semantic categories during the course of Alzheimer's disease: implications for the integrity of semantic memory J Int Neuropsychol Soc . Maybe you know some? Anmelden. over the length of my career. Sentence examples for. in the middle of a period of time. 1 andere Worte - ähnliche Bedeutung - words and phrases with similar meaning. 'We'll of course be back to you if any developments occur during the course of this program.'. Electronic learning (e-learning) became the core method of teaching the curriculum during the pandemic. at the course time. Word Origin late Middle English: present participle of the obsolete verb dure 'last, endure, extend', via Old French from Latin durare 'to last', from durus 'hard'. during definition: 1. from the beginning to the end of a particular period: 2. at some time between the beginning and…. 2. the occurrence of two or more diseases in the same patient. You may want to consider redesigning an existing course or even part of one—say, an assignment or the navigation layout. Synonyms for during Synonyms amid (or amidst), by, over, pending, through, throughout Visit the Thesaurus for More Examples of during in a Sentence She swims every day during the summer. phrase. In this case, the use of the word "course of" could be replaced with "during" and the meaning would be the same. a racecourse; a golf-course. for. 2. sentences. from inspiring English sources. Abstract. preposition: Relates noun or pronoun to another element of sentence--for example, "a picture of John," "She walked from my house to yours." locución preposicional: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como preposición ("a favor de", "en torno a"). It was on June 28, 1914 that Archduke Franz Ferdinand nephew of the Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria-Hungary and heir to Hapsburg throne and his queen were assassinated while on an official visit of Bosnia. More Courses ›› curso 6. a way (of action). 3/25/2018 Topic 1 ExamQuestion6 The ability to meaningfully, accurately, and efficiently create and interpret pictures and other graphics is most accurately called: Select one:Correct 2.50 points out of 2.50 a. cross-cultural competency. in midstream. mots. I'd retained an interest in it since school days, and I'd dropped the whole thing during my university years. halfway. mots. • I stayed in London during a week. Another option is "throughout the meeting." "During the meeting" can't be substituted for "for the duration of the meeting." Many things happen during a meeting that do not happen for its entire duration. During the course of your employment in the company, were you ever aware or suspicious of any illicit financial activity going on? Confederate General Robert E. Lee's army invaded Union territory in an effort to bring the war to the North and was opposed . Suggest antonym for During the course of 1 concurrently with (some other activity) kindly don't sleep during my lectures! Each statement below describes a kay pathoganic event sort the events by placing thom in the bin that desaribes the anatomical location in which they occur Place each event into the . Answer. Antonyme. They were influenced by John Calvin, who argued that religious hierarchy and ritual of the Anglican church were corrupting influences. Out Break of 1st World War: The First World War began on July 28, 1914 when Austria-Hungary declared a war against Serbia. The supposition is that the parties drew up the contract in view of the customary . More than 50,000 soldiers became casualties in the bloodiest battle of the Civil War, fought in July 1863 around the small Pennsylvania town. 2 within the limit of (a period of time) during the day. synonyms for during Compare Synonyms all along all the while amid as at the same time as at the time for the time being in the course of in the interim in the meanwhile in the middle of in the time of meanwhile mid midst over pending the time between the whole time throughout until when while prep. DURING THE COURSE OF in Thesaurus: 61 Synonyms & Antonyms for DURING THE COURSE OF Thesaurus for During the course of Synonyms Similar meaning through in service in the course during the course Antonyms Nothing suggested yet. Learn the definition of 'during the course of sth'. E.g.