BACKGROUND. change the ip address above to match your . . Method for an older server with a 32 bit OS and probably a very old version of UniFi Controller: The difficulty here is most MongoDB tools are 64-bit only, so this took me a while to figure out. Solution 5. Controller will not start. My UniFi controller is running but I can't connect to the web interface, I tracked it down to a faulty MongoDB Install. Click on the Download link "UniFi SDN Controller x.y.z LTS for Debian/Ubuntu Linux", and accept the EULA. Install Unifi Controller. - In the guide you lock Java to version 11 but this did not work and Java 8 is the one that I had to configure to finaly . MongoDB is an interesting looking NoSQL database, which is a conversation for another day. Here is what I've got: Unifi controller 3.1.10-beta Mongo 2.4.8 Java 1.7.0_55 The log says its started and the last messages in the log is: ===== The h as the first character means the package is held, and the i as the second character means the package is currently installed. This is easily installed on openSUSE: zypper in mongod. Step 2: Choose if you want to enable the cloud interface (default) or not (advanced). I'm currently running on mongodb-bin-4.4.1-1 with no problems and Unifi controller is working perfectly. I've since updated to v6 and that has worked fine, but I've had a report that these instructions may not work with a fresh v6 installation. Linux. The webui is at https://ip:8443, setup with the first run wizard. The first step is to create a new virtual server. Install and upgrade the UniFi Network application with the following command: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install unifi -y. We support MongoDB 3.6 since 5.13.10, older UniFi Network Application versions only support up to MongoDB 3.4. . Can anyone . Download UISP Controller. In this tutorial you will be shown how to install the UniFi Controller software with SSL on Ubuntu 20.04 using a Linode VPS. Debugging MongoDB startup Run the following command: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y. Unifi is a brand of devices that, well, unify together to make a better user experience for network users and system admins in the SMB arena. I have upgraded my automation server to Ubuntu 19.04 a few months ago, and this time decided to use the excellent UniFi upgrade script by Glenn R to update UniFi controller version from 5.9.x to 5.10.x. Query the admin users using the following command. Various mobile applications to control and manage network. Open the Mongo shell and connect to localhost on port 27117. I'm also having a problem with the Unify controller post upgrade to DSM5. Alternatively, you can do a backup and restore on a fresh DB: Restore an older version of MongoDB that was previously working Step 1 - Install the Vultr VPS. The database name is 'ace'. 11 Oct 2019 - upgraded to 5.11.50. Also while on reading the thread did you set a version tag (eg: /unifi-controller:version-7..25) so your docker does not auto update past a revision without your knowledge, as has been suggested many times in this thread? After download, run the following command and you should be good to go to install Unifi sudo dpkg -i mongodb-org-server_3.4.23_amd64.deb Share Improve this answer The correct MongoDB version will appear in the release notes of the UniFi Network application found in our Community. Just a quick tip for those running the Ubiquiti UniFi Java controller on FreeBSD. /usr/lib/unifi/data/db After the repair, MongoDB was still failing to start. [optional] This step may not be required, depending on the Linux distro you have. Select the 16.04 version of Ubuntu and be sure to pick the 25GB SSD option or better (the setting with the red square should allow you to manage about ~500 . My UniFi controller is running but I can't connect to the web interface, I tracked it down to a faulty MongoDB Install. Inspect local MongoDB instance ( ace is the database that unifi uses): root@UniFi-CloudKey:~# mongo localhost:27117/ace MongoDB shell version: 2.4.10 connecting to: localhost:27117/foo Server has startup warnings: Wed . Decided that I want to move my UniFi network controller to Ubuntu based installation, . This guide explains how to install the generic Unix UniFi Controller, as available from Ubiquiti Networks. Download. boot up pi. CPU & Storage Technology: Intel Regular Performance. After entering the container, $ mongo (the CLI for MongoDB) didn't exist, so we need to install it: $ apt search mongo mongodb-org-server/now 3.4.17 amd64 [installed,local] MongoDB database server. It seems that the UniFi controller loads this directly, so there is no need to setup a service. Edit: These instructions were written for the v5 controller. sudo -u unifi -g unifi mongod --repair --dbpath /var/lib/unifi/data/db. Move the downloaded package to your working directory, and extract it by double-clicking it or using the application of your choice. Updating the Pi and Unifi Controller. Install the port using the pre-built package. We will now need to configure our server: Choose server: Cloud Compute. Its job is to run background tasks, such as periodically requesting data from the internet, and then provide the data to a bunch of small . #3. mouseon said: I recently installed the unifi controller jacobalberty container on a Synology NAS and noticed RAM usage was going through the roof. CPU & Storage Technology: Intel Regular Performance. I tried reinstalling MongoDB via this webpage. Update log4j version to 2.17.0 (CVE-2021-45105). check your router to determine the IP address of the new device. Manage your network with our mobile apps. step 3: boot and connect. If you've recently upgraded to the latest UniFi package ( pkg upgrade unifi5), it's likely that the version of MongoDB jumped from 3.2 to 3.6. Needed help from author as I had an unsupported version of mongodb. To start with, SSH to the Unifi box (in my case, it's a CloudKey). As of this writing the latest version of the Unifi Controller is 6. # Thanks to for posting the updated install steps. My next adventure with the Turris Omnia router was setting up an LXC container to run UniFi Network Controller inside the router. If you have any 'service dns forwarding options' configuration . I have installed Unifi controllers for several locations on both Windows and Debian (specifically Ubuntu) systems. We'll want to get a newer version than what is installed by default, so simply follow the instructions from MongoDB (version 2.4). As of this writing, 4.6.6 is the latest version. Had a look at the processes and MongoDB is just going insane. Using MongoDB 3.4.19. UniFi Controller 5.10.x with Dark Mode. Now after upgrading to 18.04 I lost access to my UniFi controller due to MongoDB. MongoDB. Back in your Dietpi Setup, issue following command to download the package, but insert the copied link from above. an Access Point, it is required to change the inform IP address. unifi depends on mongodb-server ( 1:3.6.0) | mongodb-10gen ( 3.6.0) . We'll leave that up to your own opinion, but we've used the . sudo apt update sudo apt install --yes apt-transport-https 3. Minimum supported device firmware for U6-Series devices is 5.29.0, UAP/USW is 4.0.9, and for USG it's 4.4.34. This may mean that you have\nrequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable\ndistribution that some required packages have not yet been created\nor been moved out of Incoming.\nThe following information may help to resolve the situation:\n\nThe following packages have unmet dependencies:\n unifi : Depends: mongodb-server . #Unifi controller version how to. Copy the download link of the .deb package. If you ever need to remove the hold, use the command below. Try and install MongoDB 4.0+ while having UniFi installed, you'll see that it will actually remove unifi. To our knowledge, the only workaround is to get an older version of mongodb for FreeBSD, but, that is proving surprisingly difficult. . Go under Settings -> Controller and then enter the IP address of the Docker host machine in "Controller Hostname/IP", and check the "Override inform host with controller hostname/IP". If you've recently upgraded to the latest UniFi package ( pkg upgrade unifi5), it's likely that the version of MongoDB jumped from 3.2 to 3.6. Rename the UniFi Logs. After you start the UniFi service, you're met with a loading WebUI screen and this in your log: And that's it! I'm using some raspberryPi for my UniFi Controller. . [1] pkg install -y unifi 6. Purge unifi and mongodb. I'm currently building a home-automation service on a Raspberry Pi 4. (if you need 3.1.5-beta version - turn on beta channel in Synology Package Center settings). > db.admin.find().forEach(printjson); Logs show nothing. 4. Some initial steps needs to be done: start unifi on one of the raspberry pis the first time; configure it the first time. The steps to resolve this for a UniFi controller hosted on 32-bit Windows were: Install MongoDB (had to be 32-bit in my case, but most people will have this on a 64-bit OS) Open elevated CMD prompt: CD "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin" (my version was 3.2 but yours may vary) Start UniFi Controller. (Java & MongoDB) so we'll manually install them; . Updated to version 5.12.22 11 Oct 2019. 4. mongod --dbpath /usr/lib/unifi/data/db --port 27117 --repair After the repair, the permissions on the MongoDB database files should be updated to make sure they are owned by the Unifi user: chown -R unifi. In my case I SSH to my Debian VM on KVM. I am running the controller as a Docker image from the ever awesome Jessfraz. Unfortunately doesn't work on ARM (Raspberry Pi): The following packages have unmet dependencies: unifi : Depends: mongodb-server (>= 2.4.10) but it is not installable or The first step is to create a new virtual server. If your distro does not come with MongoDB, and it . Here, you can see the results. The stander version of MongoDB to Debian 10 is 4.4 and 4.0-s requiremens conflicts with the Debians main libs. Unifi controller update log: Initial version 5.7.23. I tried reinstalling MongoDB via this webpage. apt purge unifi mongod* -y. Ubuntu in particular requires MongoDB versions < 4.0. Honestly, I'd probably just start defaulting access points and then adopt them on a new controller, especially if they are on-site. Access the web interface. Log in to your Vultr account, open Products, and click on Deploy Server. Attachments: MongoDB-2.4.5.tar.gz 17 KB . Step 2. # Install Ubiquiti Unifi Controller on Ubuntu 20.04. Running systemctl disable mongodb.service prevents the systemd version from interfering with the unifi version. Thing is, it was working fine in 17.10. From what I read from your link it assumes you already have admin access to whatever MongoDB you are trying to get into but I am not a DB master, let alone on MongoDB. Unifi controller on Debian Buster with Java 11. Inspect local MongoDB instance ( ace is the database that unifi uses): root@UniFi-CloudKey:~# mongo localhost:27117/ace MongoDB shell version: 2.4.10 connecting to: localhost:27117/foo Server has startup warnings: Wed . At the time of writing this, a native Alpine Linux package is not available. Now after upgrading to 18.04 I lost access to my UniFi controller due to MongoDB. All the package that needs to be updated will be processed and updated. As of August, the unifi-beta and unifi-rapid packages are obsolete. Run the following command to download and install the UniFi GPG key on your Raspberry Pi OS: $ sudo wget -O / etc / apt / trusted.gpg.d / unifi-repo.gpg https: // / unifi / unifi-repo.gpg. MongoDB even provides a pre-compiled version for the Raspberry Pi processor, so it's relatively straightforward to get it installed. Move mongo to Working Directory. Download. Application Setup. Die was gitzwart en dat is met de kleuren rood, groen en blauw in . Problems Determine the problem 3. Love the software but I do have a question/concern regarding MongoDB. Install Unifi Controller portsnap fetch portsnap fetch extract portsnap update cd /usr/ports/net-mgmt/unifi4/ make install clean edit /etc/rc.conf add to the bottom . Posted on March 31, 2020 by admin Looks like the issue is that the UniFi server can't be installed with a version of MongoDB newer then 3.6.0 . . hi unifi 4.8.20-8422 all Ubiquiti UniFi server. Just a quick tip for those running the Ubiquiti UniFi Java controller on FreeBSD. However, the Unifi Controller stops producing logs here. version 5.9.29 in my case), then proceeded to force an install directly via dpkg: dpkg --install --force-depends-version unifi_sysvinit_all.deb Force-installing the Unifi Controller .deb package… As of UniFi Network controller 5.9, if using Cloud Access, the host system/device requires outbound 8883/tcp to be open/unrestricted. In de nieuwe GUI kon je ook light/dark instellen voor de controller tabs, behalve voor de Settings pagina. Click "Wireless Networks" and then either select your existing wireless network or click "+ CREATE NEW WIRELESS NETWORK'.In this post I will show you how to install Unifi Controller on Debian 10 Buster. The configuration file is unsurprisingly found at /etc/mongodb.conf. Step Two: Follow the release instructions to install the controller. bash # yum -y install mongodb-server java-1.8.0-openjdk The UniFi Controller software is a java server so we'll need to install java.Here we installed java and mongodb as that is what the UniFi controller uses as a backend. The current version of UniFi SDN Controller that we will be installing is 6.2.23 Of course new packages will be released and they can be found on there UniFi Software Download Page.The script we will be using will install the latest version. Download and unzip it somewhere like the desktop; Open command prompt and cd to the extracted files Run this to drill into the MongoDB . using a SSH client of your choice (putty on windows or terminal on mac/linux), log into the pi by running the following in a terminal: ssh pi@192.168.x.x. sudo apt-mark unhold unifi. At the time of writing this, a native Alpine Linux package is not available. If the UniFi controller failed to start even after performing a clean boot, then you need to change the default port for the UniFi controller application. Log in to your Vultr account, open Products, and click on Deploy Server. . Re-installing Unifi on the old MongoDB version 3.4 was necessary as Unifi was the one that started up MongoDB using the specific Unifi-only data files.Īt this point, I was really pissed off, and I just chose to add in the "compatibility flag" as below (just in case I forget to next time) and simply restored the entire configuration from a back up. Step 1 - Install the Vultr VPS. Version 5.9.29 was the latest at the time of writing: Dear friends, I would like to connect mongodb within container "linuxserver/unifi-controller". In my case I SSH to my Debian VM on KVM. Whether you're building a stronger network for yourself, your business, or your community, we have your optimal application. Save settings and restart UniFi Docker container. / / / apt / ubuntu / dists / xenial / mongodb-org / 3.6 / multiverse / binary-arm64 / mongodb-org-server_3. Download the Installation Script. It turns out the process is pretty easy and straightforward if you know what to do. Like many other applications, log files will be created during the process of running the UniFi controller app. Uncheck both checkboxes and set up a local username and password. These cookies may be set through our site by our advertising partners. To start with, SSH to the Unifi box (in my case, it's a CloudKey). Because Unifi runs inside Docker by default it uses an IP address not accessible by other devices. bash # useradd -r ubnt First we need to create the ubnt user. Step One: Get a newer version of MongoDB. Third try: explore the database. The information is a bit scattered in different places, I am . We are able to set a new password on our own by manipulating the MongoDB database that Unifi utilizes to save configuration and user data. If you want to keep your controller local to your network, set up a local account, click "Switch to Advanced Setup". If you want to be able to access your controller through Unifi's cloud enter your login details here. Accept the exception and move to the next page to configure everything you need to get started: Step1: Start by giving a name to his controller, check the license agreement box and click on "Next". I should be able to see more . MongoDB: version 3.2 or later (Mongo is offered bundled: default bundled is 2.4.14 (for macOS and Windows only)). [SOLVED] It turns out if mongodb.service is running, the mongodb instance launched by unifi.service considers the WiredTiger storage engine to be corrupted. Download MongoDB: The macOS UniFi installer does not include the mongo binary. If you google around, you will see that . Windows. The database name is 'ace' So we need to install MongoDB 3.4. When I try: mongo --port 21117 or mongo --port 21017 If you would like to add a wireless network or change your existing wireless network, click the cog in the . Open the Mongo shell and connect to localhost on port 27117. For Unifi to adopt other devices, e.g. Depending on the version installed, you will be taken to the setup wizard. Username and password are the same as Unifi web GUI login. As always, the process is very simple: you visit the UniFi installation scripts page by Glenn R and download the . I'm getting a MongoDB exception after running the Unifi Controller for like a day or two, . 5. I took the one for Ubuntu 16.04, still works on 18.04; you can download at this link. Before you install it though, download and install mongodb community version 3.4.23. Optionally, run the UniFi Network application on a PC or server. . This will pull in any dependencies such as a JDK and MongoDB. Run UniFi Docker and open UniFi in browser. I uninstalled everything (Java, Mongo, Unify), and reinstalled everything. apt install -y mongodb After that, download the same version of the Unifi Controller (e.g. Now when I run apt upgrade I get the following errors: The problem is that the unifi controller packages have mongodb as a dependency, so installing them fails when using the binaries (as it can't find a proper package installation I guess). . debian@unifi:~$ mongo --port 27117 ace MongoDB shell version: 3.2.11 connecting to: 127.1:27117/ace. We will now need to configure our server: Choose server: Cloud Compute. Now when I run apt upgrade I get the following errors: Find up-to-date port requirements here. The idea is to (eventually) upgrade my wifi from Omnia's Qualcomm Atheros QCA9880 to Ubiquiti UniFi access points. Installing the UniFi Controller. This all works, and when the Kubernetes deployments start up I see that the Unifi Controller connects to the MongoDB instance in the logs. Installing the latest MongoDB version 4 doesn't work, as the unifi .deb requires MongoDB 3 . Username and password are the same as Unifi web GUI login. Since UniFi Controller Version 5.3 it is possible to configure an external mongodb host and a mongo uri where you can define some replicaSet settings. To verify which MongoDB version is being used, run the following: mongod --version | grep "db version" After you start the UniFi service, you're met with a loading WebUI screen and this in your log: Visit the MongoDB official download website, and download the .tgz release that corresponds to your server's CPU architecture. I prepare some scripts for generating MongoDB (v2.4.5) and UniFi (v2.4.6 & v3.1.5-beta) packages for Synology NAS (x86 bromolow cedarview archs only). RAM usage goes up every day by between 0.5GB to 1GB until I have 100%+ RAM usage on my NAS. Make backup of your controller. On the MongoDB Community Server area, change the version to the closest match to your controller, in my case it was 3.4.24 OS should default to your current OS Windows/Mac/Linux Select Package type of zip as unless you want to install this version of mongo, you only want to run the executable. Thing is, it was working fine in 17.10. 6.23 . If everything went smoothly you should be able to access the controller through your web browser: https://unifi-server-here:8443. We are logged in to the Pi and with a single command, we can now update the Unifi Controller and the rest of the software on the Raspberry Pi. Ubiquiti's Unifi controller is a network device, or software service, that controls Ubiquiti's Unifi line of devices. The Server.log stops adding entries after it connects to the database and the mongod.log is never created. Log-in to your server. # As tested on a fresh install of ubuntu-20.04.1-live-server, August 22nd 2020. When i stop Zarafa works package fine. They may be used by those companies to build a profile of your interests and show you relevant adverts on other sites. If you prefer a more stable release you can install the Unifi LTS version instead. Run the following command to add the official UniFi repository on Raspberry Pi OS: Furthermore, if I manually connect to the MongoDB databases and run a show collections I can see that many new collections have been created. connect raspberry pi to power and network. Apr 2020. Now rebooting the system doesn't force a repair of the MongoDB database. Hosting an Unifi Controller in the cloud is a great way to centralize your Unifi network, especially you manage multiple networks. UniFi . UniFi does not support any version higher then v3.6 (only v3.4 and v3.6) I am not refering to any unifi/ubiquiti hardware, i'm stating that the software that is being used to store the settings "MongoDB" is currently at most 3.6. Force adoption IP. You're done! Install MongoDB Unifi Controller requires a MongoDB from 2.4 to 4.0. (The control file specifies this when unpacking with dpkg.) Extract mongo. Posted February 10, 2019 (edited) So I've managed to get the Unifi Controller image working with an external database however the Unifi Controller never actually starts up. sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv 06E85760C0A52C50.